Guild Rules image

Our Guild Rules:

1) 3 days inactive will result in a kick on day 4. Unless R5 has been notified via mail.

2) We do not tile hit, steal monsters or start wars we can not win. This includes provoking attacks, attacking Guilds that are equal or greater in might without an R5 or R4s direct permission. (Does not apply during KVK) 

3) Must participate in Guild events. For Guild Fest, we have a minimum based on ranking and type of account. We have all agreed this to be a fair number so please do your best!

700 Points minimum 

500 Points minimum for all secondary accounts 

4) Discrimination will not be tolerated. And we are NOT a PG13 Guild, so expect some jokes. If you have any issues or if another member is creating an uncomfortable situation, notify an R5 or an R4 immediately.

5) Continuous loss of your leader will result in being kicked. Don’t be a target, keep your leader and troops sheltered! 

6) Attacking an Alliance Guild, Nap Guild, our own Guild members or our Sister Guild [Lbr] wil not be tolerated. You will receive one warning, failure to respond will result in being kicked from the Guild.

7) Global chat is difficult to monitor, however if you are found to be writing on Global chat in a manner that can create unwanted attention you will be warned only once. Global chat allows everyone to view what is being said and should not be used. 

8) Everyone should contribute to the guild bank, this will allow the entire Guild to grow together. Keep your resources low to prevent attacks.

The Guilds bank can be found under the Guild bookmarks.

This allows everyone to keep there resources low and allows everyone to grow by distributing resources to you and other members in need for research, construction and to rebuild after war. Just send extra resources to the Guilds bank before you log off.